Alliance for Community Partnerships
Logan County, Ohio
We welcome all teachers.
We recognize that many teachers within Logan County and surrounding area schools might be utilizing SEL/CEP techniques and concepts. We welcome input from all teachers concerning any resources they can provide ACP to add to our website for use by other teachers.
Teacher Contest 2020
Scott Raecker
Character counts
speaks to the National Press club
1997 started with one pilot program
90% of school age youth in the state have some level of engagement in the program
Data proven results 400 dicipline write ups, 3 years later 20 students visited principals office, 6 years later less than
Test scores has risen
Performance based outcomes
Community based framework
Social Emotional Learning an interview with Daniel Goleman
Attendance,behaving well in class,liking class go up 9-10%
Academic achievment goes up 10%
Closes the achievment gap
Heads off criminal careers
5 Keys to Social Emotional Learning
Essential skills for success
Centers mind and body
Reduces emotional tension
Academic outcomes increase