Alliance for Community Partnerships

Logan County, Ohio
Logan County Social Emotional Learning/Character Education Utilization Contest
After a couple successful years in which we awarded thousands of dollars in cash prizes to teachers in Logan County we are continuing this contest for the 2020 school year. Our goal for this school year is to award cash prizes between $500.00 and $2,000.00 to teachers in Logan County and surrounding area school districts.
Throughout the country local communities, local schools, universities and individual states have begun recognizing the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) and character education (CEP) in developing children to become effective and valuable members of their communities, state and country. The impact of utilizing the concepts of SEL/CEP in primary and secondary schools has been shown to improve drastically the performance of children in both the academic arena and in the behavioral area. The increased understanding and implementation of the tools available to our schools with the goal of enhancing our communities is the reason this contest is being presented to the teachers of Logan County.
The Alliance for Community Partnerships (ACP) in conjunction with other community organizations, businesses, and individuals would like to encourage Logan County teachers to investigate the information available in the areas of Social Emotional Learning and Character Education and determine appropriate ways to bring these valuable tools into their classroom. The contest sponsors would like to reward those teachers who have recognized the value of SEL/CEP and have successfully implemented aspects of SEL/CEP into their classrooms. The cash awards will be given to those eligible teachers for use in their classrooms within the guidelines of their individual schools. The cash awards will range from $500.00 to $2000.00 based on the evaluation of the teachers’ utilization of SEL/CEP techniques and/or tools within their classrooms.
Expectations of Contestants
We anticipate these concepts being new to many of you and would expect time to be spent gaining knowledge and researching SEL/CEP techniques and determining which tools you could best utilize in your classroom. This is not a race and it is expected that time spent gaining an understanding of SEL/CEP will be the most valuable part of the process for you, your school and your students. We would expect you to implement the techniques and methods that best fit your individual situation In order to allow you the time to utilize the concepts and evaluate your results.
We recognize that many of the teachers entering into this contest may already be utilizing SEL/CEP techniques in their classroom. These teachers can also be a valuable resource for you.
You must submit an essay discussing the techniques you utilized and describe the impact of your SEL/CEP implementation within your classroom to ACP by June of this year.
The contest judges will evaluate the essays on SEL/CEP techniques and implementation results. They will give emphasis to the understanding of SEL/CEP by the teacher.
SEL/CEP Resources